This website is devoted to the principles of comparative religion.It is not directly affiliated with any specific religious, political, or non-governmental organization. It is set-up for the sole purpose of providing truthful, accurate, and verifiable information on topics related to Theology, Ideology, Political and Social Culture.

Comparative religion attempts to look at several schools of theology in order to determine the deeper underlying truths which are common throughout all societies. In doing so, we can peel away the complicated layers which make up various systems of belief and faith. After all, when you really put various religions under a microscope, there is no physical proof that God exists. There is no physical proof that God doesn’t exist. What is real is the question itself. And the search for that answer is what drives our faith, our beliefs, and how we allow that search, and all that it signifies, to impact our life during the short time we have available to us.

To get a better understanding of what we mean, try this age old joke on for size:

Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Martin Luther King Jr’s Answer: I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question.

Grandpa’s Answer: In my day, we didn’t ask why the chicken crossed the road. Someone told us that the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.

Ernest Hemingway’s Answer: To die. In the rain. Alone.

Aristotle’s Answer: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.

Voltaire’s Answer: I may not agree with what the chicken did, but I will defend to the death its right to do it.

Albert Einstein’s Answer: Did the chicken really cross the road or did the road move beneath the chicken?

Colonel Sanders’ Answer: I missed one?

In comparing the nature of each answer, it becomes apparent that it is not a question of why the chicken crossed the road – only that something crossed the road. The chicken, in this case, simply provides a frame of reference for us to ponder the significance of road crossing and how it impacts our life’s journeys in a way that bring fulfillment and meaning to the passage of time.

Each person sees meaning in the act of crossing the road that is rooted in the fundamental being of who they are. By being aware of the emotional and spiritual connection we have to this simple act, we impart a piece of ourselves in its communication, which cascades though repetition to others, thereby enriching our sense of self actualization to a higher level.

In a sense, the act of a chicken crossing the road is akin to the search for God. It is not a question of whether God exists – only that something exist that is beyond ourselves in which we can believe. And in the telling of those beliefs, whether through scripture or prayer or song or ritual, we come closer to the idealization of unconditional love. Which, in the end, is what we are all striving to achieve and for which the concept of God is the object manifestation of those ideals.

We can see, therefore, that it doesn’t matter from who’s viewpoint we tell the story. The facts are clear. The chicken was on one side of the road. It is now on the other. It crossed a road in-between. How we rationalize the facts doesn’t take away from the fact that the chicken crossed the road.

Similarly, it doesn’t matter whether your personal search for God involves the rationalizations of religious thought be they Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, New Age, Wicca, or any number of other systems of belief. What matters is the journey and the realization that they are all simply interpretations of the same underlying idealizations which define the human race as a species.

There is no right way.
There is no one path.
Each path is unique.
Each person a religious onto themselves.

What we share is the commonality of billions of comparative religions all trying to co-exist in a system of relationships which rewards power, and control, over the establishment of an equilibrium with our surroundings. That is the nature that we must be accepting of in others in order to truly understand the nature of our own path.